Wednesday 22 June 2011

Evergreen Love Songs #1: Backstreet Boys - All I Have To Give

This ordinary 90s girl might post many songs - especially love songs.

Some love songs are "evergreen" love songs according to her. She can listen to the songs again and again. Tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, always .... So, for her future grandchildren, i'll give you my advice.. When it's your grandma's birthday and you don't know what to give, copy her the (her version of) evergreen songs. She will listen to the songs much more times than she will wear the pearl earrings which your parents might give to her :D

She will share her version of evergreen love songs (in random order). Hope you like the songs too !
And hope the songs can remind you anything from the past and then you'll smile :)


Backstreet Boys - All I Have To Give

This song is very beautiful..
When this ordinary 90s girl listen to the intro, her heart always melts..

Its music cause her a serious either heart breaking or loving.

When she is heart broken, she will listen more to the lyrics. *the lyrics is real nice*
(and then cry.. :D)

When she is loving, she will listen more to its music.
(and then take a deep breath as if she has inhale the music)

It is better to listen to this song while watching at the official music video because the video is calming.
( i hate Sony Music / SME who doesn't want to let people share the official music video !! )

Picture Courtesy

* Special memories of this ordinary 90s girl:

- she memorized the lyric after her friend dictated the lyric to some friends at a same time together in classroom. At this time she still doesn't know that the song will get into her heart so much.

- she ever tried to learn the dance with her sister. she thinks that playing with hat is the most interesting dance part of this music video and she tried hard to learn it. LOL!

- at a time, she cried a lot when listening to this song. But, she still requested a radio to play this song at night around 9PM. :D

Picture Courtesy

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