Friday 24 June 2011

Favorite Disney's Princess

When this ordinary 90s girl typed "Princess" at google, at first she thought maybe google will show some ladies with tiaras or big hat, neat outfit, etc.

But... apparently google shows Disney's Princesses !

Actually she doesn't know how many character is in Disney's Princesses group. But usually, people recognized 6 Disney's Princesses.
*This ordinary 90s girl have ever asked her little cousin (girl) who is 6 years old and adores Disney's Princesses, the cousin said there's 6 Disney's Princesses*

Picture Courtesy
Jasmine, Snow White, Aurora, Cinderella, Belle, Ariel

But.. there are also some pictures which show 7 Disney's Princesses :

Picture Courtesy
Belle, Jasmine, Aurora, Snow White
Mulan, Cinderella, Ariel

or.. 8 Disney's Princesses (i seldom see this composition) :
Picture Courtesy
Jasmine, Snow White, Mulan, Aurora, Cinderella, Pocahontas (is it her name? omg i even don't really know >.<), Cinderella, Ariel

This ordinary 90s girl think that Disney's Princesses are classic & timeless..

Because.. People who was born in 2000 up still know about Disney's Princesses !

Even her cousin(S) - yes cousins with S - really really like Disney's Princesses. A cousin likes Aurora, a cousin likes Cinderella, another one likes Belle. Their birthday cakes are still using Disney's Princesses figures. And products which has Disney's Princesses on are still selling like hot cakes.

When this ordinary 90s girl was a kid, she watched Cinderella, Beauty & The Beast, Snow White, etc. with her aunties. So maybe women at her aunties' generation (mostly around 30s to early 40s age) like Disney's Princesses and passed it on to their children who are mostly born at year 2000.

And... this ordinary 90s girl is still liking Disney's Princesses..
*wondering when will Disney make classic movies like these again.. Rapunzel is okay.. but guess it won't stay classic as Cinderella* 
so she thinks that maybe she wants to tell her children about these classic movies too. Hmm.. Guessing that her children's generation might like Disney's Princesses too!

Then.. her cousins.. who are now so in love with Disney's Princess... must be telling her children too.. and so on.

So, which one is your favorite Disney's Princess?

This ordinary 90s girl like ....

Picture Courtesy

Belle from Beauty & The Beast !!

She finds Belle really charming... especially because of her very beautiful dress. When Belle's dancing, the gown is soooo beautiful... She loves how the gown will be swinging and then return to its proper place. When the gown return to its proper place after swinging, that moment is so ... *inhale* 

Picture Courtesy

1 comment:

  1. my favorite disney princess is; ARIEL :D

    second to that, RAPUNZEL & JASMINE :)

    i also love tinkerbell :)
